Aug 10, 2020
When The Rubber Hits The Road!
Meet Jeremy Hunka and Brandon Deepwell
Jeremy Hunka
It was incredibly uplifting to see how Nehemiah is making real, life-changing difference in the lives of those with little other hope. I was fascinated to witness how NCM has progressed in the 10 years since I last visited Turkana. Visiting the water drilling operations was wonderful, and speaking to the Turkana people about how water is changing their lives was humbling and encouraging. However, I was most awestruck by the long-term transformation that is unfolding in entire villages because of the organization's epic efforts. Watching villages transform from a struggling community that lacks crucial things like water, education, and medical supplies into a growing community that has clean water, medical services and educational opportunity was jaw-dropping. I am so grateful for the time in Turkana and hope this trip and the videos we produce will only add to the good work unfolding because of NCM.
Brandon Deepwell
At first I really didn’t know what to expect as to what it would be like in the Turkana desert. I feel like it is one thing to hear about people not having access to clean water, but then to see it first hand are two very different things. Being there on the ground really helped me realize how life changing clean water really is. The moment that this really hit home for me was near the end of our trip, when the water well drilling team hit water and Mary was able to fill her water container, and drink for the first time from this well. Just seeing her genuine reaction of joy and thankfulness really summed up the work that Nehemiah is doing in the desert. They are literally saving lives, then providing education, which ultimately leads to hope for a better life for the next generation. I’m thankful for this opportunity to see the team at Nehemiah Construction Ministries in action and play a small part in helping share their story.